This is the story of Siggy, the Red Admiral and Watson, the Grey Comma. October 7, 2012, I caught these 2 butterflies at the Banana Mash Brew that I had smeared on the Maple Tree. During the night, the moths would come to the mash and during the day ... everything else would arrive to eat.
It was getting on in the day and the air was becoming colder. I put Siggy and Watson in the fridge overnight. This was a better alternative, to me, than having them die in the frosty night air.
The next day, I took them outside to photograph them. It was actually a much colder day. I didn't have the heart to just let them die by releasing them. So, back into the house they went.
I discussed what my options might be regarding the butterflies with Lepidopterists in-the-know. The Red Admiral, being a migrator, had missed his chance to go. He was about a month too late.
The Grey Comma, being a hibernator, had also cut it too close . He should have had himself tucked away for the winter already.
I decided that any amount of time they may have left would be in my care. I let both of them go free ... into the sunroom. Full of flowering houseplants and lots of light, I figured this would do.
For the first few days, Siggy and Watson checked out their new habitat. Watson showed his true colours by disappearing, literally into the woodwork off and on. He would make him self known every few days.
Siggy was happy sunning himself on the windows and journeying around the sunroom. Neither of them ever left that room.
I fed Siggy every second day. He drank his fill of Banana Mash and would rest on the edge of the dish. Watson was difficult to nurture as he had stored up on food to hibernate. He did eat twice, briefly.
I became concerned that I hadn't seen Watson in 4 days. I fed Siggy and he rested on my hand after eating. Siggy fluttered under the table. I looked to see where he had gone. He had landed less than 6 inches from Watson ... who was trapped in a spiderless cobweb along the wall.
Poor Watson, he was in quite a state. I freed him carefully and spent a fair amount of time cleaning the web strands off of him. After I had picked Watson up, Siggy returned to his usual place on the south-facing window. So what had just happened here ??? Hey, read whatever you like into this ... but I swear that Siggy actually saved Watson's life by showing me where he was!!!
It was then that I decided that it was best to replicate a better hibernation state for Watson. I put him in a ventilated container surrounded by shredded raffia for insulation. I then put him in a wire mouse cage with the door closed. No mice would be able to get to him! Out to the unheated workshop he went.
Siggy failed quickly in the next few days. It became apparent that he had gotten "old". I made the decision to end his suffering. It was now October 26, 2012.
I check on Watson every couple of weeks. His wings are either folded or spread. Hopefully he will make the Springtime when I can set him free to fulfill his life's journey. Now that would really be inspiring!!!
Below is Watson, the Grey Comma butterfly after his ordeal in the cobweb.
This is a Poetograph composed by Annie Pang for me after Siggy's passing.
I took this image of Siggy fully engaged in feeding on Banana Mash.
Look at his splendid colouring! Wow!