Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The "Moth-er" you know ...

I have recently gone to the moths! Of all the hundreds of moths I photographed this past summer, this Hawkmoth definitely displayed the most appealing character.

This particular species of moth, Hyles euphorbiae - Spurge Hawkmoth, intrigued and captivated me from the get-go! In flight, it resembles a hummingbird, both in sound and movement. It is quite large bodied, can be somewhat clumsy and can give quite a thump when it hits you upside the head!

Never knew moths had fur! Never knew moths were so colourfully designed. Never knew moths had such gorgeous big, brown eyes either! And...they can be downright feisty! If you blow air on their heads, they arch their bodies and spread their wings, exposing their underwings. They quiver and shake to show you who’s boss!

Simply delightful to work with one on one!



  1. I love the last photo! Beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Jenni!!! That moth was named "Robin Food"!!! ;< AJ
